Golden Temple Amritsar - Things you know

 Things to Remember in Golden Temple Amritsar

Respecting the Sacred Space

  • Attire: Both men and women must cover their heads with a scarf. These are available for purchase outside the temple.
  • Footwear: Remove shoes before entering and wash your feet at the provided pools. A free cloakroom is available for shoes.
  • Mobile Phones: Switch off your mobile phone before entering the main temple.
  • Hygiene: Maintain cleanliness by washing your hands and feet.
  • Prohibitions: Avoid chewing gum, sunglasses, photography, cigarettes, tobacco, and other intoxicants within the temple complex.

Respecting the Holy Sarovar

  • Bathing: You may take a dip in the Sarovar but avoid using soap or shampoo.
  • Clothing: Use the provided wet-clothes room for drying clothes. You can wash yourself with soap in the washrooms around the Parikrama (outer walkway).
  • Safety: Swimming is strictly prohibited.

General Conduct

  • Food: Do not accept food from strangers.
  • Photography: Allowed only in the outer Parikrama. Seek permission for photography inside the temple.
  • Donations: Offerings are accepted. Obtain a receipt for donations.
  • Parikrama Etiquette: Avoid eating, loitering with uncovered head, reading newspapers, playing cards, or holding religious gatherings without permission.
  • Sewadars: Do not pay money to temple staff.
  • Valuables: Deposit valuables at the provided counters.
  • Complaints: Lodge complaints at the Sri Darbar Sahib office near Darshni Deori and Ber Baba Budha Ji.
  • Karah Prasad: Distribute Karah Prasad only after exiting the main temple.
  • Hygiene: Clean up after infants if they urinate in the Parikrama.
  • Movement: Walk clockwise around the pool and temple on the wide marble walkway.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a respectful and peaceful visit to Sri Darbar Sahib.

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